flowers beside yellow wall

Supporting the Officials

Oregon Track Club Officials Committee is the primary organization that recruits, trains, and supports the track and field officials at Hayward Field. The Committee has been the leading advocate for the Hayward officials for many decades. The Committee is represented on the Hayward Field Operations Committee.

The Committee members:

Jeanne Kofranek,  Chair,  [email protected]
Cyndi Cramblit,  [email protected]
Kris Knaak,  [email protected]
Dick Lamster,  [email protected]
Mike McCann,  [email protected]
Dave O’Brien,  [email protected] 
Maureen Pollock,  [email protected]

The Officials Committee typically meets monthly. 
 Follow this link to summary minutes of the committee meetings in 2024.

Follow this link to Officials page on the Oregon Track Club website.